Easy-to-Read Health Books

Please click the title you are interested in.

  • what to do when your child gets sick by gloria mayer RN and Ann Kuklierus RN
  • what to do when you're having a baby by gloria mayer RN and Ann Kuklierus RN
  • what to do for healthy teeth by sadie S mestman PhD and Ariella D Herman PhD
  • what to do for senior health by Albert Barnett MD and Nancy Rushton RN
  • what to do when your child has asthma by stanley p galant MD
  • what to do for your teen's health by by gloria mayer RN and Ann Kuklierus RN
  • what to do when your child is heavy by Gloria Mayer RN and Michael Villaire, MSLM

Our What To Do For Health books series helps consumers with problems, tips, and guidance for 7 important health topics. Even busy, skilled readers will appreciate having easy-to-use, up-to-date health information at their fingertips.

Some of the main features of our "What To Do For Health" book series:

Written and designed to be easy-to-read and easy-to-use, with plain language and no medical jargon.

Feature lots of useful illustrations to support actionable messages.

Have short, to-the-point chapters that are well organized for easy navigation.

Written at a 3rd-5th grade reading level

Available in multiple languages

No medical jargon & liberally illustrated

Any questions or to learn more about the What To Do For Health series, contact us at 800.434.4633 ext. 205, or 562.690.4001 or email Andrew Pong at APong@iha4health.org